Meeting Date:
Approval of Activity Requests |
District Goals:
File Attachment:
Activity Requests: *MAJH Leadership: Homecoming Dance, Bloomfield, NM *MAJH 7th & 8th Grade Choir: NWNMMEA Solo, Farmington, NM *BHS: Powder Puff 2023, Bloomfield, NM *BHS Student Council: Fall District Meeting, Farmington, NM *BHS Student Council: BECC Halloween Carnival, Bloomfield, NM *Naaba Ani 4th Grade: Aztec Ruins Field Trip, Aztec, NM *MAJH Mock Trial Competition: Las Cruces, NM *BHS JROTC: Four Corners Invitational Marksmanship and Drill Competition, Farmington, NM *MAJH 7th and 8th Grade Choir: NWNMMEA Choral Singing, Farmington, NM *BHS Forestry/Wildlife and Agricultural Classes: Aztec Pond Field Day, Aztec, NM *MAJH Music & Choir: All State Festival, Albuquerque, NM *BHS Student Council: Winter Meeting, Farmington, NM *BHS Student Council: Student Council State, Farmington, NM *BHS Student Council: Spring Conference, Farmington, NM |
Superintendent recommends approval of the Activity Requests |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Dr. Kimberly Mizell - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Ben Woody, Jr. Moved, Member Joel Gunn seconded to approve the Original motion 'Superintendent recommends approval of the Activity Requests'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 5 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 5 - 0 | | | Dale Maes | Yes | Ben Woody, Jr. | Yes | Tony DeHerrera | Yes | Joel Gunn | Yes | David Salcido | Yes | |